Thursday, September 30, 2004

rollin, rollin, rollin....

10:15 am psd 9/28/04
9:20 pm psd 9/30/04

we have had about 900 earthquakes in central california

23 over 3.0
200+ over 2.0

nerves becoming increasingly more rattled: PRICELESS

Bush's Hometown Newspaper Endorses Kerry

From iwon news feed

Sep 29, 11:06 am ET

CRAWFORD, Texas (Reuters) - The newspaper in President Bush's adopted hometown of Crawford threw its support behind Bush's Democratic rival, Sen. John Kerry.

The weekly Lone Star Iconoclast on Tuesday criticized Bush's handling of the war in Iraq and for turning budget surpluses into record deficits. The editorial also criticized Bush's proposals on Social Security and Medicare.

"The publishers of The Iconoclast endorsed Bush four years ago, based on the things he promised, not on this smoke-screened agenda," the newspaper said in its editorial. "Today, we are endorsing his opponent, John Kerry."

It urged "Texans not to rate the candidate by his hometown or even his political party, but instead by where he intends to take the country."

Bush spends many of his weekends and holidays at his Crawford, Texas, ranch.

The Iconoclast's publisher and editor-in-chief, W. Leon Smith, said the newspaper is sent to Bush's ranch each week. "But I don't know if he reads it," Smith said.

The White House brushed aside the endorsement. "I feel pretty confident about the people of Crawford and the state of Texas in this election," White House spokesman Scott McClellan said.

The Kerry campaign welcomed the move. "Those who know George Bush the best say it the best: John Kerry will restore dignity to the White House and provide the leadership needed to get America headed in the right direction," said Kerry campaign spokesman Phil Singer.

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

do you have wings?

I can't quite tell if this is actually for a real person or for the idea of his soulmate, but his words are very touching. I can think of many women who would be blown away to receive any one of the letters here.

Monday, September 27, 2004

Pennies from heaven

Do you pick up change from the ground when you see it? This site chronicles one persons adventures in coin collecting, pretty creative!

Friday, September 24, 2004

Agreeing with TV Guide & Rochelle Thomas

"Without a Trace
...But on to other things. I know I'm supposed to feel sorry for the blind girl, but she gets on my nerves too much for me to care. I'm all about her teacher. Now that's a strong woman. She gets kidnapped, the bad guys break her leg, rape and beat her, and she can still pull it together enough to tell blondie how to go for help and to talk the rapist guy out of dragging her along with him when he was on the run. I want that kind of inner strength. Not that I want to be damn near killed to get it or anything. But you know what I mean."

Yes, I totally do, and had the same thought!! That character was a rockin' female role model!! I wish she didn't need to be raped and beaten to get that point across...

Thursday, September 23, 2004

I been lagging

Still not fully recovered, so I request forgiveness for the gaps.

I liked different pieces from the link below, although often amusing, trying clearly to bring some thought to the world.

(warning: definately left leaning for those of you conservative right wingers, actually I am still naive enough to hope you might read it anyway and have an open mind to a more humanitarian point of you)

Monday, September 20, 2004


I am presently much too ill to actually research sites today, however, I was feeling peppy last week and bookmarked some sites to review later. For today (and until I no longer feel that death is preferable to the feeling that any moment my head will explode) we will try the reverse, I will throw out a few links, you write back and tell me what you thought of them.

Have a good week!

Friday, September 17, 2004

not a clue, but still

I have not a clue what is happening here, as it is not in english, and if this is Spanish, boy have I lost any semblance of reading comprehension from the 5 years of Spanish I took.

Chances are good that if I could read it, it wouldn't have made me nearly as happy. Just scroll through and check out the photos scattered amongst the text, without any real context, they are pretty funny!

happy friday to the m-f crowd

She has some real potential, a tad offbeat but I actually stayed interested and amused past the first posting, always a good sign! Enjoy and have a nice weekend!

is this for real?

Where do I start?!!!!!!

If this is real, how sad and lame are these people, ALL of them, and why are they posting this gossipy mean trash?!!!

If this is supposed to be fiction in the illusion of reality, they really need to work on their 'creative' writing skills. (Note to blogger: Please, take this as constructive criticism from someone who believes you can create whatever you choose: choose classes, get feedback, practice.)

I was bored before I even got to what I am sure is deemed "the juicy" part, but I am highly irritated by the wasting of my time, so I continued to read in the hopes of even the most meager payoff, none forthcoming FYI - and this was just the latest entry. Additionally, it was frequently impossible to follow, even with speaker names provided, I couldn't tell who they were speaking of at times or who they were in support of.

What do you think, check it out, then come back and let me know in the comments section.

ummm oooookaaaaaayy

So, after viewing this site, I am wondering many things.

I will only ask, however, arguably the most important one:


Why go to all the trouble to take and post these pictures, but never provide any real information - WTF? You are on the internet, its a global thing, I'm from CA, Rehoboth could be anywhere.

Okay, don't say I never teach you anything, I had to know, so I looked it up. Of course it is somewhere in Massachusettes

Thursday, September 16, 2004

hilarious, very funny, ouch

My Daily Addictions:
1) This guy is brilliant, he is an ingenoius character, just reading him is an adventure, being him must be hilarious, check him out

2) This woman cracks me up, she is smart, and witty and she is also very real and easy to relate to. Her story is quite something. Help Heather win with a 'dooce' (thanks TC!)

So Bad It's Worth A Laugh:
ARE YOU KIDDING ME: good gawd sweetie, I am sure you are a lovely person, but kill me with boredom why don't you, seriously. Just for the record, I feel compelled to note that just including profanity doesn't automatically make something funny. Good, comedic profanity is a true. fucking. art. don't mess with it if you can't hack it. You'll see what I mean: