Okay I have a love hate relationship with Tucker Max. At first I loved him, thought him the cleverest and funniest of them all, and then he began to wear on me, same old jive man, same old jive...and I can really only take so much peoplebashing, so I took a break. I went back today, to check in and ran across this little gem. It's the occasional post like this that is the reason I sometimes love him so much I could almost just kiss his filthy mouth:
Wednesday, May 11, 2005
Too skinny
I know that in my stories I often make fun of fat girls, but I want to be very clear about something:
Waifish, anorexic girls are even worse than fat girls. [see examples one and two] [this needs to be fixed]
I fucking HATE that disgusting ribs-sticking-out, sharp-elbows, I-have-no-body-fat look. It is fucking revolting. Do you goddamn whores not realize that aside from the ridiculous physical problems associated with NEVER EATING, you look like a concentration camp victim? Seriously, you look like you just finished the Bataan Death March.
If I have to choose, I will ALWAYS fuck the girl who is 30 pounds overweight before the girl that is 30 pounds underweight. At least the fat girl LOOKS LIKE A WOMAN AND NOT A SKELETON SHRINK WRAPPED IN SKIN.
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Posted by Tucker Max - Permalink
Go Tucker!!!!!