Friday, May 20, 2005

Here's a laugh

Muscle Man

this guy has no shame!

Courtesy of the Groovemonkey (thanks Monkey Boy!)

Thursday, May 19, 2005

Sumatra Quake Shook Entire Earth


December's great Sumatra-Andaman earthquake — the most powerful in more than 40 years and the trigger of a devastating tsunami — shook the ground everywhere on Earth's surface. Weeks later the planet was still trembling.

The quake resulted from the longest fault rupture ever observed--720 miles to 780 miles--which spread for 10 minutes, also a record. A typical earthquake's duration would be 30 seconds.

The quake resulted from the longest fault rupture ever observed--720 miles to 780 miles--which spread for a record 10 minutes. A typical earthquake's duration would be 30 seconds.

Today's Topic

Half of humanity set to go urban

More than half of all humans will soon be living in cities, according to a prediction by the United Nations.

This is one of the saddest headlines I have seen in a while.

Thursday, May 05, 2005

Thought for the day

"PMS for me means: from smile to bitch, in half a word"

The Personal is Political

Props to the amazing Ani Mander, a former teacher, mentor & friend who once assigned me a paper called the personal is politcal outlining my own personal politcal issues - that was 12 years ago and I couldn't even grasp the concept. The Daily Blog is in flux, and although I don't want it to be all politics all the time, I do think it has become necessary to incorporate more.

Looking at today's headlines, I simply must share and comment, in the hopes that pointing these things out and discussing them provides opportunities for growth for all.

Monday, May 02, 2005

Tibetan Sand Painting

A sand painting created by Tibetan monks is shown Friday, April 29, 2005, at the St. Louis Art Museum in St. Louis. On Sunday, after five days of work, the monks will destroy their creation. The process serves as a way for the Buddhists to meditate, work to spread blessing, and show the temporary nature of things in this world, even the beautiful ones. (Yahoo/AP Photo/James A. Finley)